پی نٹ بٹر how to make at home

To make homemade peanut butter like I did, you’ll need 1 pound of peanuts. I used salted party peanuts because I have a ton to use up, but you can use almost any kind you like. Put your peanuts in a food processor with a metal blade and get ready to give them a ride!


  • 16 ounces peanuts (your favorite variety – I used salted party peanuts)
  • 2 teaspoons honey
  • Salt (optional)

  • 1-  ۔ Place peanuts in food processor fitted with the metal chopping blade. Turn processor on high and chop/grind peanuts until smooth (usually no more than 5 minutes). You may find it necessary to scrape down inside of the processor bowl halfway through.
  1. When your peanut butter is as smooth as you would like, add in the honey. Season with salt, if necessary.
  2. Place the peanut butter in an airtight container and store in the refrigerator for up to 2 months.
  3. Store in an airtight container in the refrigerator for up to 2 months.
